As an executive, delivering speeches is a critical part of your role. Whether you're speaking at an industry event, a company meeting or any other occasion, the quality of your speech should never suffer due to quantity. Every speech you deliver should engage the audience and leave them with new ideas and possibilities.
But how can you consistently deliver rousing speeches that engage your audience? Here are 14 expert tips shared by Forbes Agency Council members that will help you create a memorable executive speech:
Provide Value and Be Charismatic According to Charlie Munger's Theory of Inversion, your message will be forgotten if it lacks value, enthusiasm, or is convoluted. To make your message memorable, provide value, be charismatic, and be concise. This approach will ensure that your audience doesn't forget your message.
Find One Central Message To make your speech memorable, focus on one central message that you want to convey. Use the three Cs (concise, compelling, and consistent) to hone your message and the three Ss (stories, statistics, and soundbites) to bring your message to life.
Tell Stories That Matter to Your Audience Stories that matter to your audience will always be more impactful than mere facts. Share the relevance of your words by giving engaging examples and explaining what your message has meant for others.
Be Relatable Make your speech relatable by sharing stories that everyone in the audience can relate to. This will evoke emotions and make it more likely that they will never forget your speech.
Always Be Honest Honesty is key. Speak your truth, regardless of how it will be perceived. This will create a culture that's real and help team members connect with you and the rest of the team through honest conversations.
Make It Interactive Involve your audience by asking for their opinions and questions throughout the meeting. This way, they remain focused and engaged.
Focus on the Human Connection Your speech should contain a moment of human connection. You need to establish a connection with your audience to make your speech matter and memorable.
Bring the Right Energy Aside from a clear, concise message, the most important thing to make a speech memorable is energy. The energy you exude while giving a speech transfers to the audience. Bring high, passionate energy while delivering your speech to show your conviction behind your message.
Make It Personal Personal stories are more memorable than general business advice. Add a personal view and experience to your speech to make it more relatable and memorable.
Use Humor Humor is a crucial element to keep your audience engaged. You don't have to be a professional comedian, but a well